Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rainbow in the Clouds

This picture represents beauty. I took this while I was riding in the car with my family in Derby. I happened to glance at the sky and noticed the tiny glimpse of a rainbow within the clouds on a bright and sunny day. I had never seen such a thing, and was kind of awestruck when I saw it. It was much more amazing in person, but it's still a beautiful picture, and it's one of my favorites.


  1. Very cool picture. I love rainbows; there's just something so enchanting about them that's always fascinated me. Great job capturing it.

  2. I think to me this means something more in a scientific way than most people. The rainbow is the meeting place of two forms. One of water droplets, and of light. The skies have always reminded me of vast oceans and the representation of water here in the form of a rainbow gives more meaning to that.

  3. The picture really is amazing, i like the way that the rainbow is just barley peeking through the clouds, its not the way that they are usually presented, and it adds a new perspective.
