Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Week 10 Chair Pattern

Monday, March 30, 2009
week 9
Sunday, March 29, 2009
snow drift wo 10
Wk 10 (Life!)
I realize that this must be kinda a duh picture but ill post it anyways. I think that this gives a perfect portrayal of how life can still exist in a place of cold and desolate nature. The plant was there before the cold snow came, and even after days of freezing rain and cold its still there alive and kicking. Uniquely enough the snow is water which can actually kill or bring life to the plant. How ironic..
Wk 9 (Cords)
Wk 7 (Gateway)
This week i took a picture of a gate that we use for all sorts of things. It's one of those baby gates and we used it for all us kids and even the dog. I like how at this angle and with the flash, it creates a pattern that kinda reminded me of a wasp's nest. I never liked the gate just like I never liked wasps. :D
2 forms week10
Tire week 10
Ice Tree Week 10
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Science or Sucker? Week 9
shadows wk 7
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Oil Stains
Week 9 Gel bottle
Clothing wk 9
Shadows From the Trees wk8
week 7
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Swing-wk 9
Foam-wk 8
floor pattern wk 8
dead plant
TV --Week 8??
Observation week 8
Week something idk
Strawberry soda week 8
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Silly String Wall
We were at a cheerleading competition/performance over Spring Break, and this was the pattern on one of the bulletin boards. I'm not sure if it was a bulletin board, or just decoration, but I found it interesting how intricate this design is. It reminds me of layers and layers of silly string, or really thick spider webs.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Food? (wk8)

So this is our dog, and one day I was playing around with him and after awhile he kinda got bored so i left him be. 10 min later I see him with this in his mouth, a piece of trash and if I wouldn't have taken a second look I would never have taken a second thought, but I suppose this sheepish look he is giving should have been a dead give away.. haha
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My Wall
This is a picture of the wall in my apartment. It looks more like a ceiling pattern than what should be on a wall, but I think it's cool how there are many different shapes and patterns on it. I think they use whatever material it is on the walls since so many different people live in the apartments here, so it's probably easiest to cover previous damage, so it's really cool that most of those specks are formed from layers and layers of paint from over the years. It also kind of reminds me of moon rocks and craters.
candle wk 7
This is an up close picture of a light we have hanging on the ceiling of the entryway in my house. I'm not tall enough to see that high, so I held up my camera and snapped a shot. I think it looks cool up close, and you can really see the patterns in the glass. It has a very crackled or broken look.