Thursday, February 26, 2009

99.9% Sanitized week 6

This is just a picture of hand sanitizer, I like how the bubbles never go away. and the blue is really nice too.


  1. I really like the blur of the bubbles, and how some bubbles are completely clear. The color adds to the imagination.

  2. This is really neat! The depth perception is fascinating! I honestly thought that this was a professionally digitally edited photo at first, very creative and wonderful lighting and clarity.

  3. This looks really cool. It does almost look like a digitially edited photo at first, but when you really look, you relize what it is. We used to have tons of these bottles of hand sanitizer lying around my old school. They were a lot of fun to play with too.

  4. I really like this one. I like it because its a really cool pic of something simple we use everyday but usually is over looked.

  5. This picture is really cool. I like how the blurry bubbles in the back give the picture depth.

  6. That's so cool! I have like 5 bottles of germ-x in my house and I never pay attention to it, but it almost makes me feel like I'm underwater in this picture.

  7. How did you get this picture so close! This is awesome! I will never look at germ-x the same!

  8. I like how u can see all the little bubbles and the shade of blue is a very cool color.

  9. Wow! I love the blue, this reminds me of a close up of the stained glass windows at my church.
